Saturday, October 5, 2019

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 6 > Computers
Tuesday: Day 7 > Music
Wednesday: Day 8 > Art
Thursday: Day 1 > Phys. Ed.
Friday: Day 2 > Library

The next Spelling List was introduced today. The words are written in a green notebook. If your child brings the notebook home that means he/she needs to practice spelling the words for the test on Friday. If this notebook does not come home, your child got 100% on the pretest and does not need to take the final test.

Any misspelled words on the pretest must be written 3 times each. This will be homework every day until the test on Friday.

Your children will also be assessed on their phonics skills. We will be concentrating on short i. You can help your child by reviewing words that have short I, like our spelling words. It will also be a review of short a and ck words.

The second decodable reader will be sent home on Thursday. “Jill Can” should be read to you. After you hear this book with very few errors, sign it and send it back. The children will be able to sound out or recognize the sight words without much difficulty.

Continue to work on the reading strategies. Please refer to the page I sent home when reading with your child. When you use the same language at home as they hear in school, it will really solidify the strategies and make them become automatic when they read independently.

Unit 2 in math began last week. We will be joining, separating and comparing numbers.

Homework is to listen to or read any material with your child, at least once a day.

Please sign and date the page on the back of the Friday Folder, thank you!

I hope you have a terrific week!


Tuesday (10/15) will be Day 3 > Music

BOOK FAIR – We shopped today, OCTOBER 7. If you forgot, send your money in an envelope and he/she may shop another time during the week.