Saturday, April 5, 2014

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 1 > Music Class
Tuesday: Day 2 > Phys. Ed.
Wednesday: Day 3 > Library Class
Thursday: Day 4 > Computer Class
Friday: Day 5 > Art Class

Digraph ue(glue), Suffix –es and Diphthongs ou(mouse) and ow(cow) are the new Phonics concepts this week. Don’t forget to listen to the children read the words on the front and the words in the box on the back. Remember to sign the paper after you hear the words. We will complete the back in class and any corrections that need to be made will be for homework.

There will be a new spelling list this week. This will be assessed on Friday.

A Decodable Reader will come home to be read for homework this week. It will be in the green folder. There will be another sheet coming home to complete. After completing the worksheet, please look over it with your child.

Topic 13 Time is our new Math Chapter. The children seem to already have a good grasp of telling time to the hour. This topic will focus on time to the hour and half hour. They will be telling time and writing time on both analog and digital clocks.

Please send in Report Card envelopes and 3rd Marking Period Assessments by Friday, April 11.

Book order forms will be sent home this week. They will be due next Wednesday, April 16.

Travis, Skylar and Meaghan were great readers! Kolton, Makenzi and Hope will be reading for us this week.

I hope you have a tremendous week!

*Monday will be Day1 - Music Class.*