Sunday, March 22, 2015

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 3 > Library
Tuesday: Day 4 > Computer Class
Wednesday: Day 5 > Art Class
Thursday: Day 1 > Music Class
Friday: Day 2 > Phys. Ed.

I know the PTO sent home a reminder about the Chinese Auction on Friday but I am asking once more… We only have about 8 items. If you are able, please send in a small snack. It only has to be one bag or box of cookies, crackers, chips, pretzels, etc.

Thank you if you already sent in something!

Topic 9 started today. It is Comparing and Ordering Numbers to 100. As always, review the pages that come home and correct any errors.

Remember to review those math facts.

Since our days are now off due to the early dismissal on Friday, the assessment on “Frog and Toad” was today. I do not like testing on a Monday so for next week I am building in an extra day to move the test to Tuesday. Unless a schedule change occurs, for whatever reason, this may be our new pattern.

Look for the new spelling words in the tan notebooks; review them for the test next week, if necessary.

The Decodable Reader “Helping Mom” will come home on Wednesday. Please read this with your child for fluency. From this point on, there are only a handful of students that I will be listening to, so ask your child if this needs to be signed and returned.

Mrs. Hull had to cancel our lesson last week so; we will have a Guidance lesson on Tuesday with Mrs. Hull.

Continue to review all pages in the Friday Folder, sign and date the back page. I will no longer expect every test to be returned, just look for those that are stamped. Thank you for your cooperation.

There are several students that have not turned in a completed Reading Log. Please read with your child. The more practice your child gets, the better he/she will read with accuracy, fluency and comprehension. If you have returned two or more logs, you are doing GREAT, thank you.

I hope you have a spectacular week!
Monday will be Day 3 > Library