Sunday, December 7, 2014

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 3 > Library Book Exchange
Tuesday: Day 4 > Computer Class
Wednesday: Day 5 > Art Class
Thursday: Day 1 > Music Class
Friday: Day 2 > Phys. Ed.

“The Farmer in the Hat” story will be assessed tomorrow. Please read it and review pages 48-50. The high-frequency words are horse, of, be, old, could, paper. The phonics skills are long a / consonant / silent e and soft c & g, examples are make, race and cage.

The spelling test will also be given tomorrow.

The next story will begin on Wednesday. The new phonics concepts will be long i / consonant / silent e and digraphs wh, ch, tch, ph.

The pretest for the spelling words will be Wednesday. Look for these in the take home folder on Thursday. The final test will be next week. Please review the misspelled words.

The topic in math is more strategies for addition. As always, review any pages that come home and correct any mistakes. Doubles, Doubles plus 1 and Doubles plus 2 are a few of the lessons this week. We have added to our flashcards. It is our goal to memorize these facts so keep practicing!

Continue to review all pages in the Friday Folder, sign and return any tests that are stamped. These tests are very important to review and return. Also, sign and date the back page of the Folder.

Please keep reading every day. Reading is a homework assignment that all children should be completing each night. Remember to write the books you read on the Reading Log (in the plastic sleeve). Sign and return the page when complete.

We will have a guidance lesson with Mrs. Hull on Tuesday.

*Remember we will go outside for recess even if it is cold. Send children with hats, gloves, scarves.

I hope you have a stunning week!

Monday will be Day 3 > Library Class