Sunday, December 14, 2014

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 2 > Phys. Ed.
Tuesday: Day 3 > Library Class
Wednesday: Day 4 > Computer Class
Thursday: Day 5 > Art Class
Friday: Day 1 > Music Class

“The White Kite” will be in the take home folder on Tuesday. Please have your child read this several times to you. After he/she reads it fluently with no mistakes, sign it and send it back to school.

The reading book will come home on Wednesday. Read “Who Works Here?” and review the words on the pages before the story. The phonics skills long i / consonant / silent e words and wh, ch, tch, ph sounds can be found on the pages prior to the story too. These skills will be assessed on Thursday.

The spelling test will also be given Thursday. Don’t forget to review these words. Most of the children only have one or two words to review. Those of you, who don’t, remember to practice all of the words you had misspelled.

We will not begin a new story until after the break. I will be checking the students’ fluency with these few extra days.

The topic in math that we have been working on will extend after we come back in January. This week’s lessons are two-question problems and making 10 to add. Remember to review the pages that come home. Keep practicing the flashcards.

Continue to review all pages in the Friday Folder, sign and return any tests that are stamped. These tests are very important to review and return. Also, sign and date the back page of the Folder.

Please keep reading every day. Reading is a homework assignment that all children should be completing each night. Remember to write the books you read on the Reading Log (in the plastic sleeve). Sign and return the page when complete.

I hope you have a spectacular week!

Monday will be Day 2 > Phys. Ed. (sneakers)