Sunday, January 19, 2020

This Week's Happenings


Monday: NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday: Day 1 > Phys. Ed.
Wednesday: Day 2 > Library
Thursday: Day 3 > Music
Friday: Day 4 > Art

We have begun Marking Period 3! WOW! This year is going so fast.

In Language Arts…On Wednesday, the sh and th sounds/spelling will be assessed, as well as the sound a makes in ball. Many sounds/spelling that we have learned to this point will also be on this test as a review.

Thursday will be the listening comprehension test. Just like the last assessment, I will give the students time to read the story on their own and complete the questions. Then I will read it out loud. The students will need to read the questions on their own. (I decided to read the story instead of the questions.) I will assist with any words that are not known.

Review the vocabulary words in the blue notebook. These words will be on the comprehension test so it is important that the children are able to read these words without any difficulty.

Keep working on our reading strategies. As you listen to your child read, use the paper that was sent home to review these strategies.

Math…Unit 4 Review and Assessment will take place this week.

We will begin Unit 5 Geometry and Fractions next week.

-Homework is to listen to your child read any book he/she is interested in every day and then add it to your reading log.

Please sign and date the page on the back of the Friday Folder, thank you!

I hope you have an astonishing week!

Monday (1/27) will be Day 5 > Phys. Ed.