Sunday, November 10, 2019

This Week's Happenings


Tuesday: Day 6 > Computers
Wednesday: Day 7 > Music
Thursday: Day 8 > Art
Friday: Day 1 > Phys. Ed. $1 Dress Down*

In Language Arts…We will be assessing listening comprehension this week as well as phonics skills, concentrating on inflected endings> -s, -ing. For example, inflected s is used with a verb such as plays (She plays/He plays). To help your child with comprehension, after reading a story or book, ask a few questions about what he/she heard or what he/she read.

Please review the vocabulary words in the blue notebook. This week I will be asking the children to read the words from Story 3 for me.

Keep working on our reading strategies. As you listen to your child read, use the paper that was sent home to review these strategies.

Math…Unit 3 Pre-Assessment was today. How can patterns in numbers help us to better understand and solve problems? We will be learning about the relationship between addition and subtraction through fact families, story problems, doubles(2+2) and near doubles(2+3).

Fact flashcards were added to the envelope last week, please keep practicing these.

-Homework is to read any book your child is interested in every day and then add it to your reading log. At this time, your child needs to read the books to you, so if you are in need of books on his/her level send me a note or message.

*We have Phys. Ed. so your child only needs to pay if he/she wears jeans.

Please sign and date the page on the back of the Friday Folder, thank you!

I hope you have a glorious week!

Monday (11/18) will be Day 2 > Library