Sunday, May 13, 2018

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 8 > Music Class
Tuesday: Day 9 > Computer Class
Wednesday: Day 10 > Art Class
Thursday: Day 1 > Keyboarding
Friday: Day 2 > Phys. Ed.

Language Arts…Please review the words in the green notebook. This week we will add another set of words. Not too many to go, only 2 sets left!

As I write this note, I am hopeful that when I schedule the spelling homework, I will not need to collect any just like last week. Every student spelled every word correctly for the past pretest so no one had homework! Look for the 5/21 Happenings to see when there will be homework, if necessary. (No Spelling for this week.)

Reading fluency is an important part of first grade. The one-minute goal for proficiency is 47 words read by the end of this school year. This will be on the final report card. Please keep reading. Many students are above 70 words a minute, which is fantastic! Any questions? Just ask.

Remember, when listening to your child read, use the strategies that we have been working on in school. Refer to the page sent home.

Math…Last week we did not get as far as I thought we would into Topic 15. Geometry is the theme. Look for the pages that come home in the folder and review.

We will complete a math fluency check at least once a week. Once again, review the flashcards/facts to 9 for the few students that need to reach the first goal. For those students who have surpassed this point, look over the facts with sums 10 and up. We had one more student surpass the ADVANCED Check!!!!!

-Homework is to read any book your child is interested in every day and then add it to your reading log.

Please sign and date the page on the back of the Friday Folder, thank you!

I hope you have a charming week!

Monday (5/21) will be Day 3 > Music Class