Saturday, October 22, 2016

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 7 > Phys. Ed.
Tuesday: Day 8 > Music Class
Wednesday: Day 9 > Computer Class
Thursday: Day 10 > Book Exchange
Friday: Day 1 > Art Class

Red Ribbon Week: If you misplaced your October calendar, here you go>Tuesday Sock it to drugs-Wear crazy Socks, Wednesday-Turn your back on drugs-Wear your clothes backwards, Thursday-”Hairs” to a drug free life-Crazy hair day, Friday-NS Spirit Dress

The Spelling test will be on Thursday. If your child had all the words correct today, you will not see this TAN notebook. For the children who had errors, these words should be reviewed for the Thursday assessment.

Please continue to read/review the words in the blue notebook. These words are just to read, not spell. The second set of Book 2 words will be written in the blue notebook Tuesday. You will only see new words once a week from this point forward. After we have all six sets of words, I will listen to each student read these to me, so keep reviewing them.

On Wednesday a decodable reader will be sent home to read for fluency. This will not need to be returned. The students know all of these words so this story should be able to be read fluently. Fluency is when it is read smoothly with expression and is understood.

Great Job on the math test by everyone!!!! Topic 3 has begun, Using 10 frames, recognizing and representing numbers on a 10 frame, finding missing parts of 10. Continue to look over these pages. Also, practice math facts – doubles and plus 1 facts. It is very beneficial to have your child memorize these because as the facts get higher, it will be more difficult to use our fingers.

Book Order Forms will be sent home this week. They will be due Friday, November 4.

Don’t Forget! Reading any material that interests your child is excellent. This is considered HOMEWORK every single day. After reading the book, add it to the Reading Log.


**Review Friday Folder material and Return Folders on Monday!**

I hope you have a noteworthy week!

Monday (10/31) will be Day 2 > Phys. Ed. – WEAR SNEAKERS!