Sunday, March 9, 2014

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 1 > Music Class
Tuesday: Day 2 > Phys. Ed.
Wednesday: Day 3 > Library Class
Thursday: Day 4 > Computer Class
Friday: Day 5 > Art Class

Phonics topic for this week is a new syllable division rule, for words like wafer, minus, fiber, focus and music. For homework, as usual, you will listen to the children read the words on the front and the words in the box on the back. Remember to sign the paper after you hear the words. We will complete the back in class and any corrections that need to be made will be for homework.

We have a new spelling list this week. The words will be assessed on Friday. These tests will be coming home. These are yours to keep, no need to send them back.

A Decodable Reader will come home to be read for homework this week. It will be in the green folder. Have the children read this to you and then ask them a few questions about it. Also, sign the book somewhere so I know it was read to you.

The children may bring home their reading book from time to time. This is an opportunity for them to read the story we are currently working on as well as any other story in the book.

Topic 9 in math was introduced today. It is Comparing and Ordering Numbers to 100. Review the pages that come home. Assessment will be next week.

Book orders are due on Friday! If you are ordering online, our code is HFPD2. If you are not ordering online, please send the order form and payment in an envelope.

Evan, Cheyenne, Albert and Hope did really well reading. We will begin our next and final classroom reader list this week. Jamie, Hyacinth and Kaitlyn will start. The rest of the class will bring home their list today.

I hope you have a stupendous week!

*Monday will be Day1 - Music Class.*