Sunday, December 8, 2013

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 2 > Phys. Ed.
Tuesday: Day 3 > Library Class
Wednesday: Day 4 > Computer Class
Thursday: Day 5 > Art Class
Friday: Day 1 > Music Class

The new sounds and concepts for this week in Phonics are Jj and the digraph oo. Review the pages that come home in the take-home folder. The new sight words are school and says. Remember to complete the front of the Phonics page that is in the take-home folder. Please sign the phonics page after your child has read these words to you.

Look for the green folder to come home this week with Decodable Reader 16. Please read this with your child at least 2 times. Remember to sign it! Thank you for your cooperation.

Spelling List #7 will be introduced and assessed this week. Please go over the spelling of these words during this week. Due to us attending the concert for the students on Friday, our test will be Thursday.

We will be working toward the end of Topic 5. Please review the Math work that comes home on a daily basis. We continue to add to 20. There are many new facts this week. Remember: flashcards work really well when trying to memorize facts.

On Friday we will be traveling to the High School to attend the concert. The school busses will be taking us back and forth. (This performance is for the students only.)

I hope you have a spectacular week!

*Monday will be Day 2- Phys. Ed. - Remember your sneakers!*