Sunday, October 6, 2013

This Week's Happenings


Monday: Day 4 > Computer Class
Tuesday: Day 5 > Art Class
Wednesday: Day 1 > Music Class
Thursday: Day 2 > Phys. Ed. Wear Sneakers!
Friday: Day 3 > Library Class

Our Phonics lessons this week will cover the sounds of b, m and e. The new sight words are what, from and are. Most of the students know how to rhyme but some of us need a bit more practice. Rhyming is a pre-reading skill. If you ask your child to give you rhyming words and he/she can not, review with them that rhyming words end the same. Please review all pages that come home this week.
Also continue to review our reading strategies. Ask your child questions about the story he/she reads. Reading and rereading the same story will build fluency. If a fluency word list comes home, please review for homework. Not all of the students will bring home a list.
Spelling List #3 will be sent home today. As I stated before, no formal test will be given but these words are spelled on a daily basis in class. Reviewing the list will benefit your child in many ways. It will help with writing and reading not just spelling.
This will be the last week we will spend on Topic 2 Understanding Subtraction. An assessment will be given next week. Look for the pages that come home this week and review these concepts. I will be reteaching any lessons necessary after reviewing on Friday. Tuesday 10/15 – final review day. Wednesday – assessment.

I hope you have an exceptional week!