Monday, September 6, 2010

This Week's Happenings 9/7-9/10


Tuesday: Day 2> Reading words and Spelling words will be found in the yellow folder. (Sorry about not sending them home last week as I said I would.) Both lists will be tested Friday.

Spelling - page 2

Math - Complete Side B of Lesson 4

Hope you wore your sneakers!

Wednesday: Day 3> Math – Complete Lesson 5 Side B

Spelling – page 4 pre-test tomorrow

Thursday: Day 4> Vocabulary and Comprehension test on “Sam Come Back” tomorrow - Review words in yellow folder

Spelling Pre-Test - Any misspelled words must be written 5 times each

Picture Day! Send in envelopes if you are planning to buy any pictures.

Math – Lesson 6 Side B

Friday: Day 1> Vocabulary and Comprehension test on “Sam Come Back”

Spelling Test

Have a great weekend!